


Greatest and most indispensable tool for those who want to remove trees, plants and invasive species.
Extractigator makes hard work a much easier task.

Classic out of stock at the moment.

You can order the Classic to get into the queue.
No payments untill items are ready to post.

Extractigators are the most efficient tree and plant puller you´ll find.
Strong tool made for prof. use, but even so easy to use for beginners.

The best way to remove unwanted plants and trees is to remove them finally by the root.
You´ll find a lot of information by Extragtigator  and see more on the YouTube HERE or HERE or HERE or many more.

Please notice this info:

This site is for purchasing Extractigator products in Europe.

Unfortunately, it´s yet not possible to purchase by ordinary web shopping outside Denmark and Sweden.

However, we are delivering all over Europe.


The prises in this web site are in Dkr. and includes the cost of VAT.

The currency is 1 Euro = 7,50 Dkr.


Certain rules and laws of Customs and VAT into sale across national borders is hereby explained:

– Costumers outside EU will not have to pay the VAT of 25%, but has to be avare of, that some custom clearance may excists in their country.

– For private costumers inside EU, the prices will be as for danish costumers, incl. the cost of VAT.

This is the prices shown in the web shop.

– For firms and companies inside EU having a VAT-number registered in the EU-VIES register, the prices will be without the cost of VAT.


This information is to make it a lot easier for you to know, how to purchace the Extractigator.

Just send an E-mail, with “Extractigator” in the subject to bakkebjergnaturpleje@mail.dk

Please let me know if you´re purchasing as a private customer or on behalf of a company.

I´ll send you an offer inclusive the cost of freight.

When, approved you´ll receive an invoice for prepay.


Please don´t hesitate for any further questions.


Yderligere information


BigDaddy, BigFoot, Classic, Junior


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